TIC55x assembler

This is a port of binutils to develop an assembler for the C55x

The current focus is on the assembler,linker and objdump. These are almost complete but not ready for production use.

Back to the c55x-binutils soureforge page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/c55x-binutils/

Known Issues

  • There are some relocation errors that are being worked on.
  • XCC and XCCPART do not work with the optional label. If you HAVE to have a label you should being using a BCC as that is what Texas Instruments(R) would assemble it into.
  • Macros are implemented using the binutils macro method. The main difference is that the variables inside the macro must be preceeded with "/" instead of being surrounded by ":" or just implied

    To compile type in the following lines in the binutils directory

    ./configure --target=c55x --prefix=/usr
    make install

    CVS Download Instructions
    Type in the following lines to download the source (hit return for password):
    cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/c55x-binutils login
    cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/c55x-binutils co binutils

    Testing (for Developers)
    Binutils uses dejagnu for the testing.
    Run "make check" to run the tests

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